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What is racism?


Posted 3:43 am, 09/29/2021

Of course it has nothing to do with you. CRT does not teach that white folks are inherently or personally racist. Folks like anti just push that notion to scare folks from learning.


Posted 3:39 am, 09/29/2021

Were you taught that the first Native Americans arrived in Europe five centuries before Columbus sailed? And not through Asia? How come you don't know that?


Posted 3:38 am, 09/29/2021

It is natural to feel better than others. It is natural to subdue and control others. It is the bases of survival. However, you don't have to be mean about it. If survival is not at stake, you can even be fair. I have no feelings of guilt for what my forefathers have done. I feel sorry for the people they harmed but that has nothing to do with me. I am only accountable for the wrong I have done. You are over reacting for the past offences. Just make sure you create no offences. I agree with with CRT being taught in schools. We need to think about the way we think and act.


Posted 3:34 am, 09/29/2021

Were you taught that his sailors were afraid they would fall off the edge of the earth?


Posted 3:32 am, 09/29/2021

After 1492, though, we really only learned about the history of America,

So before 1492�there was nothing here worth learning about?
Were you taught that Columbus "discovered" America and nothing of worth happened here before then?


Posted 3:25 am, 09/29/2021

That hole you are digging just gets deeper and deeper anti. Those stupid indigenous folks, right?


Posted 12:53 am, 09/29/2021

My bias' lay near the bottom, Anti. I avoid confrontation with racist family members and tend to prioritize intention over impact.

Interesting enough, according to the pyramid... the existence of the pyramid is also racist unless the entire school administration is black.

By its own definition, white people that are self-proclaimed allies to the black-power movement are suffering from a "white savior complex." So anything they do to help minorities is... racist.

The implication there being that the only thing they can do is accept their "white privilege," step down from their positions of power, and let black people have those positions.

That would still be racist, though, because doing so would make them a "white savior." So I guess there's just no way around it... if you help then you're racist, if you don't help then you're racist, if you don't care about race at all then you're racist...


Posted 12:43 am, 09/29/2021

Euro-centric curriculum seems much more likely to describe the way we teach things like world history and literature as opposed to "expecting children to sit still and learn passively,"

I looked it up, Hillbilly:

Eurocentric curriculums teach Black and Indigenous students that their lives and the lives of their ancestors are not worth learning about, while simultaneously teaching White students that they are highly valued in spaces of knowledge and power.


I'm not sure about today, but when I was in school we spent a LOT of time in school learning about Greek mythology and Asian history (like Genghis Khan), in addition to the European Middle Ages. It was mostly about the rise of civilization and literature, though.

After 1492, though, we really only learned about the history of America, slavery, the Civil War, and about countless black heroes and heroines. We didn't learn anything about the current English royalty or anything like that, unless it was to discuss them as an ally or enemy in whatever war we were discussing.

What literary information do we have on the history of tribal nations like American Indians, Aztecs, Mayans, or Africans? There are currently 574 recognized American Indian tribes, and they ALL had different beliefs... with no concept of writing. What do we know of their history that we can even teach?

Same for Africa... with most of the literature being oral, and with much of the modern nation being run by warlords that change from week to week, what do we have to teach?

What literature we do have from Africa is going to be based on Islam... do we even have the ability to teach it without it being offensive to Muslims or Christians?

My point here is that the demand is unrealistic, and the definition is combative and racist: "you evil white people think that black history isn't worth knowing!"


Posted 12:00 am, 09/29/2021

How is America a druid background?


Posted 11:56 pm, 09/28/2021

You're from Wilkes.

So you're well versed in meddle eastern culture.


Posted 11:23 pm, 09/28/2021

Don't worry cajahah, this far above your head. I don't expect you to understand. You have to know quite a bit about history to understand this.


Posted 11:19 pm, 09/28/2021



Posted 11:18 pm, 09/28/2021

I am not sure if they are or not but they are not a part of Northern Europe either. But my point is still vialled. American is more of Druid background but more influenced by Meddle Eastern culture.


Posted 11:13 pm, 09/28/2021

All of us druids.


Posted 11:08 pm, 09/28/2021

Also the Druid's......lol.

We're from Europe.


Posted 11:02 pm, 09/28/2021

Rome and Greece are not in the Middle East.


Posted 10:55 pm, 09/28/2021

hillbilly666 (view profile)

Posted 10:36 pm, 09/28/2021

I don't understand your point acumen. The druids are one tiny culture that very little in known about. I don't think a lack of cultural perspective from the druids is evidence that we don't have a European centric view of history in America.

The Druids were the central core of ancient European culture. Yet, they are almost entirely written out of our history. Their history has been replaced with the history of the Middle East. Societies like Rome, Greece, Egypt and Israel. It is not European history that dominates our world.


Posted 10:37 pm, 09/28/2021

Keep reading entrails Acupuncture.


Posted 10:36 pm, 09/28/2021

I don't understand your point acumen. The druids are one tiny culture that very little in known about. I don't think a lack of cultural perspective from the druids is evidence that we don't have a European centric view of history in America.


Posted 10:15 pm, 09/28/2021

I bet you could name 20 ancient Jews and maybe as many ancient Romans and Greeks but can't name 2 ancient Druids.

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