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Trump broke America.


Posted 12:45 pm, 05/23/2022

Lyin Ted misses his Orange Fascist .


Posted 8:27 am, 05/23/2022


Posted 9:51 pm, 05/22/2022

TRUMP 2024


Posted 12:39 pm, 05/22/2022

Grill, your chronology is somewhat awry, our troops were depending on their families to send them flak jackets, and beefing up the armor on their vehicles in the field. D'ye remember that war over Saddam Hussien's "WMT's?"

Just like the rest of your post, CRAP!


Posted 12:20 pm, 05/22/2022

Gotta love seeing the magical debt hawks back out...even Rush Limbaugh admitted that the national debt is overrated.

"Nobody is a fiscal conservative anymore. All this talk about concern for the deficit and the budget has been bogus for as long as it's been around."

But hey blow that dog whistle and they gold fish memory kicks in!


Posted 12:15 pm, 05/22/2022

Yes Obama was great if you can overlook ten trillion in debt, the most of any president, the military having to go to the junkyard to keep the jets and helicopters in the air(look at the crashes), the beginning of the war on police, the numerous racial incidents, the US apology tour, the great Iraq treaty where we have billions to a terrorist regime, the saving of the automobile industry where car manufacturers took the money to build plants in Mexico(Check and see who got plants open here in the US) and Obama was so great, 1200 democrats lost their elected office. You want to blame Trump for the economy but who kept their states shut down? Even with that, what was the inflation rate, interest rate, and stock market? But comparing Obama to the current administration, Obama is great. But Biden's days are coming to an end because the media and democrats are turning against him. The economy is going to get worse (even his advisers states his last two years would be flat). If the republicans just keep their mouth shut, the "most" popular president is going to take a shellacking in the next election.


Posted 2:21 pm, 05/21/2022


Posted 12:32 pm, 05/21/2022

Sure that's why it now cost me $65 to fill my gas tank and before it cost less than $30. Every time go buy groceries and household supplies my bill is almost double.


Posted 10:59 am, 05/21/2022

Obama $ Biden almost broke me , Biden and KH are trying to again.


Posted 12:41 am, 05/21/2022

Very true. Publicans still blame Clinton for things LOL.


Posted 8:25 pm, 05/20/2022

Adam, Trump blamed everything that went wrong or whatever he did wrong on Obama during his whole term in office. That means Sleepy Joe has two and half more years to blame Trump for everything that goes wrong.


Posted 8:22 pm, 05/20/2022

impeached twice.


Posted 8:20 pm, 05/20/2022

adamtinfoil, if Trump was so wonderful, why is he a one term loser?


Posted 8:02 pm, 05/20/2022

Would you like some cheese with that whine??


Posted 7:58 pm, 05/20/2022

Like I previously stated...If you don't love it or want it, kick rocks please.


Posted 7:30 pm, 05/20/2022

trump rode the coat tails of obama's booming economy for his first year in office then by the end of his failed dictatorships he handed Biden an economy in shambles.. he sure did treat America like one of his businesses pocketed all he could and run it into the ground!!


Posted 7:23 pm, 05/20/2022

Oh yea, Trump is sure the quin essential American. If Trump represent your America, I don't want it.


Posted 7:20 pm, 05/20/2022

Trump was only horrible if you hate America. If you love this country, you love him. We all know now how you feel about your country. Kindly move some place else.


Posted 7:18 pm, 05/20/2022

I can drop my mic too.


Posted 7:18 pm, 05/20/2022

Before and after were both horrible. In between was great.

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