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The Great Climate Hoax

DB Cooper

Posted 1:29 pm, 08/20/2023

You dumber than Smelly Chump & Springy combined


Posted 11:50 am, 08/20/2023

DumbBell, you may not have noticed but Cadillac, BMW and Mercedes have just come out with all electric cars. Do they know more than you know? Wait a minute, I've got a door stop that knows more than you know!


Posted 11:30 am, 08/20/2023

"Even if the United States went to zero carbon output, you're not going to put a dent in what's happening to the world because most of it is coming from China and India. So all this sh*t about 'don't eat meat because we're going to save the world.' You're not saving jack sh*t!"

DB Cooper

Posted 3:21 pm, 08/18/2023

'Barren' Disney Theme Parks Blamed On Climate Change

Empty Disney parks are being blamed on the catch-all bogeyman climate change, not the company's focus on identity and sexual politics.

DB Cooper

Posted 11:58 am, 08/16/2023


DB Cooper

Posted 10:31 am, 08/12/2023

California wants to be able to suck the juice back out of citizens electric car batteries when they have the self-induced blackouts that are inevitable...

State legislators in Democrat-run California are looking to pass a law that will make it easy for the power company (PG&E) to steal energy from your electric car battery. The idea is this: when California's third-world electric grid needs extra juice, the power company will simply suck that juice straight from your electric car battery.

Keep voting for those dimocrats folks... and we'll keep laughing!


Posted 5:44 pm, 08/11/2023

It's weird there's a hole in the ozone yet the massive vacuum of space didn't suck all the gases from our atmosphere.


Posted 4:57 pm, 08/11/2023

All these events that occurred over billions of years that the deniers quote, in attempt to justify their stance fail to address one fact. The hole in the ozone layer did not happen until the Industrial Revolution. Or is that just an illusion like the millions of tons of styrafoam and plastic floating in the oceans? The air pollution that forces millions of Chinese to wear masks when going about their daily business, and effects people and other air breathing forms of life worldwide. These things are all illusions that have been foisted off on us by whom?

To quote Roger Whittaker: "Why"

DB Cooper

Posted 2:29 pm, 08/11/2023

40 years ago they told us an ice age was imminent. Now they tell us that the climate warming is an existential threat to humanity. Which is it? Neither. It's really about dominion, control and punishing the West.


Posted 12:25 pm, 08/11/2023

Cool heavy fog this august morning


Posted 7:33 am, 08/11/2023

It's all manmade up.

"Overwhelming Consensus" on Climate Change Crisis is "Manufactured," Says Climate Scientist

DB Cooper

Posted 12:48 pm, 08/10/2023

Biden Promises Taxpayer-Funded Aid For �Climate Migrants' In Weather Channel Interview

The Weather Channel is promoting the open-ended claim migrants should be allowed to enter the United States if their homelands are damaged by "extreme weather" � and President Joe Biden is eager to say yes.

DB Cooper

Posted 11:28 am, 08/09/2023

President Buffoon Blocks Another Mine Near Grand Canyon

Fox News host Jesse Watters blasted President Joe Biden for halting uranium mining near the Grand Canyon, saying it aided Russian President Vladimir Putin. Biden signed an order declaring a national monument around the Grand Canyon Tuesday, barring new uranium mining projects, NPR reported.

It was the fifth national monument of his presidency and the fourth that has been used to block mining and other economic development, according to NPR.


Posted 8:28 pm, 08/08/2023

Hey trybutt, thanks for agreeing that the climate didn't require an industrial revolution to change the other 299.999 times, roughly speaking.


Posted 6:48 pm, 08/08/2023

Karen Cooper still believes the world is flat too.

DB Cooper

Posted 4:59 pm, 08/08/2023

Proterra, the electric bus company repeatedly celebrated by President Biden, filed for bankruptcy Monday, blaming various market "headwinds" for its financial struggles.


Posted 11:00 am, 08/08/2023

Somehow, someone as failed to mention that in all these billions of years they're talking about, there's only been one Industrial Revolution.

DB Cooper

Posted 10:40 am, 08/08/2023

"You see DB, climate change is much like I would assume your s#x life. One good performance doesn't mean you're an expert"

Actually, I've been a great performer for decades... ask your mommy.


Posted 10:10 am, 08/08/2023

The very next time you hear a climate alarmist cite the xxxxx in recorded history remember one thing:

The Earth is 3 billion years old, give or take 100 million years, and history has only been recorded for
0.0000001% of that time.

For extra credit, throw in that the climate cycles every 10,000 years or so and there are 300,000 10,000s in 3 billion.


Posted 9:43 am, 08/08/2023

If DumbBell's sexual proficiency is anything like his posts I very much doubt if he's ever given one good performance. And yet I have to admit he's totally phugged up!

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