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The Bipartisan 1 6 Committee Has a Hearing Today


Posted 3:54 pm, 07/28/2021

No doubt in my mind it was Nancy's fault, when that mob was running through the Capitol building shouting her name they just wanted to hug and kiss her like they did with the cops. Shame they never caught up with Pence though.


Posted 3:47 pm, 07/28/2021


Posted 12:53 pm, 07/28/2021

Oh, I've got a ton of videos, Les.

How many do you want?

I even have some videos of some of the insurrectionists whining and crying after they lost their jobs, guns, family, etc. after they participated in said insurrection�those are especially funny.

Lester White

Posted 12:38 pm, 07/28/2021


Did you even watch the video you posted?

I didn't realize the capital police were attacking the protesters until I watched your video.

The boss of the Capital Police force, Nancy Paloozer has some splaining to do.

Also where is that video of the capital police opening the door for the protesters?


Posted 12:36 pm, 07/28/2021

Democrats are trying to frame an anti_Trump attack because they are scared to death he will run again in 2024. They know the majority of people can see the difference in Trump and Bumbler. Ole Bumbler came out of his basement and is now exposed for all to see.

woodie w p

Posted 11:44 am, 07/28/2021

rednecker.....You seem to forget that he said go peacefully. All pucking liberals only hear what they want too.


Posted 11:24 am, 07/28/2021

Do you want to see tapes? Here's one:


What do you think?


Posted 11:07 am, 07/28/2021

Just release the tapes and we can all see. What are they hiding. I guess it is "we must convict someone before we can give you the evidence" You got to condemn before you can find out what for. Sorry goons, it does not work that way.

Remember Obamacare?
We must pass it before you can see what's in it? same ole Nutty Nancy


Posted 10:40 am, 07/28/2021

Pretty soon, those douchebags are going to deny saying that.

Lester White

Posted 10:39 am, 07/28/2021

Why doesn't Nancy release the tapes?

The capital police were obviously coached by Nancy's goons on what to say.


Posted 7:40 am, 07/28/2021

Gym is a particularly pathetic individual. Anyone who turns a blind eye to sexual assault and/or abuse will get a special condo in Lleh.


Posted 2:23 am, 07/28/2021

Gymshorts Jordan has already been caught in a lie. Lock him up 😎


Posted 9:12 pm, 07/27/2021

Kevin McCarthy 1/13/21: "The president bears responsibility for attack on Congress by mob rioters."


Posted 6:32 pm, 07/27/2021

Jeff Flake?

Foxy is just pulling names out of a hat now.

It's okay, Foxy. You're watching your world die. And we're all laughing at you.


Posted 6:30 pm, 07/27/2021

Maybe Christine Blasey Ford was there hid under a desk. She sure could put on a show


Posted 6:29 pm, 07/27/2021

I hope they save Cryin Chuckie until the last day. It will be a washout


Posted 6:27 pm, 07/27/2021

Whodunit for January 6? For those of you playing at home, it was Agolf Twitler in the White House with a cellphone.


Posted 6:26 pm, 07/27/2021

I like Mitt Romney, and Jeff Flake too don't you? I sure wish they could testify


Posted 6:23 pm, 07/27/2021

Loved Michael Fanone way to go Mikey!

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