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Six years of investigating Trump and all they're left with is:


Posted 3:45 pm, 05/23/2022

......and all Lester's left with is udfred.


Posted 2:36 pm, 05/23/2022

shoulda listened to Obama


Posted 2:03 pm, 05/23/2022

unfried, there is nothing worse than Trump! Plumb the depths of every septic tank and every sewer processing plant, and you cannot come up with anything worse than Trump!


Posted 9:33 am, 05/23/2022

Poor Henry his heroes are proven worse than Trump


Posted 7:57 pm, 05/22/2022

I guess they're going to let the likes of Faux News deal with the worn out crap.


Posted 7:45 pm, 05/22/2022

Even CNN is now admitting their lack of interest in Cankles and Hunter.


Posted 5:01 pm, 05/22/2022

Just take f*xxy's advice and don't listen to those biased liberal news sources. Watch and listen to Faux News, Fakeway News and Breitbarf they are the are the genuine news sources. Then stick your finger down your throat!

And don't respond to any post that might shed the real light on your beloved orange idol


Posted 3:22 pm, 05/22/2022

I thought this post was about uncovering Cankles as the Russian Collusion Expert


Posted 1:24 pm, 05/22/2022

When the Republicans backed Trump in 2016 they thought they'd put him in the White House and then they would control him. Now Trump controls the Republicans, history repeating itself.

Hitler would be proud of him.


Posted 12:41 pm, 05/22/2022

Cult worship is hard to break. History shows that clearly. Hitler, Chavez, Castro, Pol Pot, Kim (the love letter man)


Posted 12:32 pm, 05/22/2022

Shoulda listened to Obama


Posted 10:42 am, 05/22/2022

I guess I can't grasp the idea that there is some different kind of logic other than objective reasoning, something like Kellyann Conway's "alternate facts."

Trump is a loud mouthed bully, a pathological liar and rascist, he's frequently displayed the first two traits in public and he barely takes the trouble to hide the third. Yet even though his failings are out there for everyone to see his flunkeys hang onto his coattails.
Are his servile sychophants happy in believing that his atrocious personality is the norm? Does their "logic" tell them that's the way people should be, and this is the kind of person they would like their kids and grand kids to look up to?
From the way Les, unfied, fins, poopdoggie et al turn themselves into verbal pretzels to defend this apology for a human being, one has to wonder has a significant portion of our population gone stark staring at mad!


Posted 9:08 am, 05/22/2022

Do a get a certificate


Posted 9:02 am, 05/22/2022

Hey jester, why are YOU singling out udfred for special recognition?


Posted 8:58 am, 05/22/2022

......all we're left with is flakey, foxnit, udfred, lester, singer, udfred, and old lady STILL WHINING.


Posted 8:40 am, 05/22/2022

"Per FBI verbal request, CIA provides the below examples of information the CROSSFIRE HURRICANE fusion cell has gleaned to date," the memo continued. "An exchange [REDACTED] discussing US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's approval of a plan concerning US presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering US elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server."


Posted 8:27 am, 05/22/2022

The trial finally began for a campaign lawyer associated with the Clinton campaign....yeah read about it. Let's (as in the words of a rightie) see how it plays out and I'll wait for the final decision.

My guess is the Durham report will be just like Mueller. Overly vague and no real conclusion drawn, but both sides will pick and choose and claim some sort of victory.

Wonder if Garland will do what Barr did and try to set a slanted narrative 5 minutes after receiving the report...


Posted 8:26 am, 05/22/2022

Hilarious just wanted to pardon some more terrorist and Maybe a pedophile or two.


Posted 8:21 am, 05/22/2022

You must remember: liberal news agencies do not cover this type story. They try to stay away from anything that would expose their lies. No way these blind buffoons would know


Posted 8:01 am, 05/22/2022

Singer does this fit into your "non-profit" tirade?


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