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Posted 1:37 am, 06/07/2023

Is it shocking to you that a black personality in the mid century may hate white people?

Not really. X's father was allegedly killed by white supremacists, and X had a violent youth where he was in and out of prison. So it's no surprise at all that when he met up with a black supremacist in prison that made him feel powerful, he was easily manipulated.

Hating all white people for the actions of a few, though, is what we would call "racist" today.

He went far beyond racism, though... he was a Communist that wanted to join Japan in the war to "kill white people" (his words, not mine), and he helped to found black supremacy organizations (Nation of Islam, Black Power, and posthumously the Black Panthers).

But you're right, we're talking about Hansford, not his mentor.

The whole point of the story is that he WAS (past tense) a bad student and then he applied himself and achieved a level of academic success that merited a scholarship. To you that's a story of someone being given something without merit and to me that doesn't add up at all.

No, I didn't say that and you has misunderstood my point.

He described himself as having low grades and being suspended several times for fighting.

Can you find what high school he attended? I can't, but based on his poor grades and suspensions I can imagine that he wasn't exactly valedictorian. But due to his race, he was still able to go to a federally chartered ivy league university for free.

How many white people do you know that were suspended multiple times for fighting and had bad grades, but still got a free ride to an ivy league university?

How, exactly, could the United States make it any better for black people? There are already government-mandated scholarships for black people, schools for black people, and employment requirements for private businesses to give preferential hiring to black people... if that's not helping, I don't see how a check is going to make things any better.

Are you in favor of the $5 million per black person payment, Billy? Or just debating me on it for fun? I always enjoy debating you, so if that's the case then it's fine


Posted 1:09 am, 06/07/2023

Okay, what act of terrorism did the Nation of Islam commit under the leadership of Malcolm X?

I assure you I'm not trying to distract from anything. I'm addressing the points you're raising. You said Malcolm X was a terrorist? Okay, cite your source. It is yet another example of you hyperbolizing and anti white sentiment and minimizing the context for any of that sentiment.

Is it shocking to you that a black personality in the mid century may hate white people? Ever seen a lynching postcard? Ever seen a picture of Emit Till's corpse? Ever thought about what it would be like to live through The first fifty years of the twentieth century as a black American?

Anyway, I think the way you're presenting this anecdote and implying that it is another case of anti white racism is malicious at worst and completely misunderstood at best. The whole point of the story is that he WAS (past tense) a bad student and then he applied himself and achieved a level of academic success that merited a scholarship. To you that's a story of someone being given something without merit and to me that doesn't add up at all. I think your doing exactly the opposite of what you're accusing me of doing. You're trying your hardest to spin HIS words into something that supports your own worldview and allows you to write him and the idea of reparations off entirely.


Posted 11:51 pm, 06/06/2023

What act of terror did Malcom X commit?

Trick question. While Malcolm X may not have directly commit terrorist acts himself... neither did Osama bin Laden.

When he was kicked out of the Nation of Islam, X openly bragged that he knew where the bodies were buried... not a euphemism at the time, but meant literal.

But of course you know this... you're just trying to distract from the topic by focusing on a single passing comment.

Coulda any of YOU liberal leftist zhitZ tell us why folks that never owned slaves shoulda have their wealth confiscated AND redistributed to POC who never were slaves?

Being neither liberal, leftist, nor agreeing with the reparations, I can't say how they would answer this myself.

But I would say this.

The demand is for $5 million per black person. Regardless of the fact that at least half of them have no slavery in their ancestry...

As of 2020, there were 41.6 million black people in the US.

That would be $208,000,000,000,000... $208 trillion-with-a-T.

The 2024 budget was $6.9 trillion. So the reparations "activists" are demanding 30 times the annual budget to be handed over to them.

Going back to Malcolm X... he wanted to destroy the US, exterminate all white people, and allow black people to rule. It's clear that this plan is a half-hearted attempt to do the same thing: bankrupt the nation and give the remainder to black people.

But knowing that this isn't going to happen, it's obvious that his real goal is for the government to give him money to shut up. Which he would gladly take, and then whine for the rest of his life about how unfair it was and how he continues to be a victim.


Posted 11:13 pm, 06/06/2023

Coulda any of YOU liberal leftist zhitZ tell us why folks that never owned slaves shoulda have their wealth confiscated AND redistributed to POC who never were slaves?


Posted 10:50 pm, 06/06/2023

What act of terror did Malcom X commit?


Posted 10:31 pm, 06/06/2023

You have not proved me wrong.


Posted 9:04 pm, 06/06/2023

You have no idea if he was a subpar student. You're basing everything off of the tiny anecdote in his BIO

Well, other than his own statement that he was expelled several times for fighting, and had low grades...

The truth here is that you're doing your best to spin HIS words into something more palatable for you. Which, IIRC, falls under "Minimization" on the CRT bias scale...

Also comparing Malcom X to Hitler makes you look like an absolute clown

I didn't, he was just the first famous white supremacist to come to mind. Maybe you know more of them than I do?

But let's see... Malcolm X explicitly said that white people were evil, incapable of doing right, and he fought for the extinction of all white people so that black people could rule the earth:

This is what "reformed" Hansford? X was a terrorist, plain and simple.

Wait until she starts going after the Jews.

Get back under your bridge, troll. I've never said anything negative about any race, including the Jews. You just do your best to lie and twist to discredit people that prove you wrong.

I'm pretty sure that falls under "Tone Policing" in the CRT bias scale, which would be "Veiled Racism..."


Posted 4:40 pm, 06/06/2023

Wait until she starts going after the Jews.


Posted 2:23 pm, 06/06/2023

Honestly comparing X to Hitler kind of perfectly encapsulates your whole weird racial hang up. Criticism of white people to you is tantamount to violence. Calling white people blue eyed devils is to you on park with trying to exterminate the Jews.


Posted 2:17 pm, 06/06/2023

Jesus Christ, I don't even know how to Wade through that unbelievable about of BS to even respond to that.

The perspective you're trying to create is hypothetical bs and irrelevant to the fact that you're presenting this information in deceiving way. Kinda reminds me of your Oscars outrage. You have no idea if he was a subpar student. You're basing everything off of the tiny anecdote in his BIO that you're interpreting through your insane fragile white person lens. For all you know he could have done poorly his first semester of his freshman year and gotten a 4.0 the rest of his academic career. Colleges don't care how you did in kindergarten. You don't have his transcripts and have no information about what his admissions process was like. He could have aced his SAT, he could have written an amazing entrance essay, he may have had astounding extracurricular but you've decided that since he's black that must be the only reason he got in and there is certainly more deserving students out there.

Also comparing Malcom X to Hitler makes you look like an absolute clown. How is anyone supposed to take you seriously with takes like that?


Posted 1:13 pm, 06/06/2023

Yeah he says he was fighting and getting bad grades and then he moves schools, reads all these black authors, gets inspired and turns it around. And here you are presenting it as if he spent all of high school fighting and then they gave him a million dollar scholarship with 1.0 GPA. I think that's the type of story that probably true for plenty of white people as well.

Or from the other perspective...

How many kids do you know that worked hard from kindergarten to Senior year, never got into trouble, graduated high in their class... but didn't get a free ride to an ivy league school?

Sure, reading a book by a racist and terrorist changed this man's life and encouraged him to be even more racist. I don't deny that at all! But the facts show that he was a subpar student that was given a free ride to an ivy league school strictly because of his race, but he still wasn't satisfied. And now he's using his race to try to garner even more free money.

There's a simple litmus test. Reverse the races of the story... white kid gets into fights and has bad grades, but reads "Mein Kampf" and suddenly tries. He's given a whites-only scholarship to a predominately white ivy league university that has classes on the greatness of being white, then he becomes a professor at that university to teach a class on how white people are great and minorities are inferior. He then uses that platform to go to the UN and try to get them to force the US to give white people $5 million each.

Does that sound racist? If so, then the original story is racist, too.


Posted 7:31 am, 06/06/2023

Here's the thing that frustrates me about having these types of conversations with you anti. You post things like that and leave out all the context and part of the facts and then hold it up as proof of something that it's clearly not.

"I overcame my greatest obstacle when I was a teenager. I was not on track to attend college; I was suspended multiple times for fighting and misbehavior and had low grades."

Hansford moved to his grandmother's house and transferred to a public school in a more distant area. Separated from his peer group, he gorged himself in Alex Haley's The Autobiography of Malcolm X and found his life changed. "I read the book straight, only stopping to eat and sleep," he admitted. "I picked up the book because it was on my mother's bookshelf. After reading that book, I wanted to use my mind as a tool to fight for justice." Through the literature of black authors such as W.E.B. DuBois, James Baldwin, and other black history books, Hansford managed to pick himself up, do well on the SAT, and even received a scholarship to attend college."

Yeah he says he was fighting and getting bad grades and then he moves schools, reads all these black authors, gets inspired and turns it around. And here you are presenting it as if he spent all of high school fighting and then they gave him a million dollar scholarship with 1.0 GPA. I think that's the type of story that probably true for plenty of white people as well.


Posted 7:06 am, 06/06/2023

Is shoplifting and looting a form of reparations? Systemic reparations, that is.

Return of Kangz

Posted 6:51 am, 06/06/2023

Bestill, I know why your husband ran out on you.


Posted 3:34 am, 06/06/2023

Seriously! You SHOULD apologize! Not for your ancestors, who you also consistently demean, but simply for your conduct on this site.


Posted 3:31 am, 06/06/2023

Anti said,

"But I haven't seen any proof of system racism towards black people in the last 30 years.

I also do not believe that you can correct a history of anti-black racism with new anti-white racism.

I also believe that the time for an apology has long passed."

Well, clearly, not for you it hasn't.


Posted 3:23 am, 06/06/2023

Anti is standing firmly on the veiled racism pillar of her bias pyramid. No surprise there.


Posted 1:28 am, 06/06/2023

A little bit of irony regarding Justin Hansford, the professor pushing for reparations...

By his own words, as a teen he "was suspended multiple times for fighting and misbehavior and had low grades." But he still was able to get a black-only scholarship that allowed him to go to a federally chartered Black Ivy League school:

But he doesn't think that's enough... he also wants $5 million for his troubles.

How many white people do you know that were suspended multiple times for fighting and had bad grades, but still got a free ride to an ivy league university?


Posted 12:50 am, 06/06/2023

Anti would not support their efforts, as she believes that systemic racism is a myth.

This is correct, to some degree... modern systemic racism towards black people is mostly a myth.

I would agree that gerrymandering is close to systemic racism, but their goal is to minimize Democrats... minimizing black people is a byproduct, not the goal. So it's not really racist.

And I would agree that the Trump era introduced a lot of system racism towards Asians, Hispanics, and Muslims.

But I haven't seen any proof of system racism towards black people in the last 30 years.

I also do not believe that you can correct a history of anti-black racism with new anti-white racism.

I also believe that the time for an apology has long passed. There is no one alive that was a slave in the United States, and there's no one alive whose parent was a slave in the US. Considering that slavery ended 160 years ago, I doubt that there are more than a handful of people alive whose grandparent was a slave in the US! Sorry that it sucked for them, but if generations of black-only scholarships and guaranteed affirmative-action jobs hasn't made up for it then I don't see how a handout will do any better.

Regardless. Since the reparations plan has no allowances for descendants of indentured servants or slaves that were prisoners of war, I can't imagine a scenario where it would be fair.


Posted 7:19 pm, 06/05/2023

Every race killed and enslaved another race and or tribe. It's still happening in third world countries now.

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