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Now that the Mask Mandates have been relaxed...


Posted 7:33 am, 06/17/2021

But of course, now I am old, so I know things can turn on a dime. As sophisticated as we are, we could use a Third World War! It is creepy what China is doing in the Pacific! Our war planes are conducting exercises there. Watch the Pacific!


Posted 7:27 am, 06/17/2021

Well, I remember speaking to the organizer and saying, "Dang, this feels like normal!" What a blessing! It is like we were under water and just got a gasp of fresh air! I hope the future holds. For myself, I am sorta suspicious, but so delighted with the progress. I feel like my mom felt surviving the Spanish flu and looking at the Great Depression!


Posted 7:22 am, 06/17/2021

I have not been in a Walmart for a long time. Nothing against Walmart, I just like smaller stores. Those big stores creep me out, always have.


Posted 7:21 am, 06/17/2021

I bet Foxy doesn't even know 80 people. Hard to meet folks when you hate everyone as much as she does.


Posted 7:17 am, 06/17/2021

A trip to Walmart is not what most people call a large event. And if you had went back to the garden section you could have plainly seen there were more than 80 people


Posted 7:13 am, 06/17/2021

I hated that the mask fogged up my glasses, but I got used to it. It has been a while, but I just had opportunity to attend a large event, in a room with over 80 people! We did not need masks. It was so weird, but at the end of the day it was good to feel normal.


Posted 6:56 am, 06/17/2021

I sense the possibility for many new "Florida Man" headlines in a couple of weeks, so we're all winners.


Posted 11:05 pm, 06/16/2021

Bunch of indoctrinated fools on here. Baaaaa....the numbers are ridiculously low. BUT listen to your great and wise governor. My new governor in two weeks will be Desantis. Counting the days until normalcy.


Posted 6:30 pm, 06/16/2021

Screw masks. I'm done with them. And the science now shows they had barely negligible effects if any

sparkling water

Posted 11:57 am, 06/16/2021

That seems reasonable.


Posted 11:52 am, 06/16/2021

If a business has a mask policy, I follow it. If I am around people and they are uncomfortable with me being maskless, I put it on. I stay at least 6 feet away from people anyway


Posted 9:26 am, 06/16/2021


sparkling water

Posted 9:13 am, 06/16/2021

to me.

sparkling water

Posted 9:10 am, 06/16/2021

Sounds like a life sentence for me.


Posted 8:57 am, 06/16/2021

So I'm fully vaccinated and thought, hey I'll go out without one on. Then 2 days later I had a cold.

Back to the mask for me. I have enjoyed not being sick.


Posted 8:03 am, 06/16/2021

"common sense"...girl you be asking for waaaaay to much from these folks


Posted 1:30 am, 06/16/2021

And those store signs saying I'm okay to not wear a mask literally quote the CDC guidelines ... so STOP mask shaming me!!

I did my part, never caught nor spread COVID and supposedly immune now so let me get back to a semi-normal life and get out my freaking back already


Posted 1:26 am, 06/16/2021

Ain't nobody tattle telling on each other. We ain't kids going up against a schoolyard bully! ... If anyone is a bully in this scenario, it's the Government.

Yes, masks are best... but every dang store I go into now has a sign that says if I'm fully vaccinated then I ain't got to wear a mask ... but still we get germ snobs trying to insist we still do wear a mask.

Enough is enough, and I'm as liberal as they come but dang, can we use common sense yet?!


Posted 12:03 am, 06/16/2021

Farmer... you and I frequent very, very different places. If I went to a restaurant that considered masks optional then I would strongly question their sanitation.

And as far as I know, this "optional" policy would be health department violation:

People are expected to follow the Governor's order on face coverings. You can help by making sure you always wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth when you're in public and when you're with others who aren't in your household.

To report possible violations, contact local authorities using non-emergency phone numbers. If you are concerned that your local law enforcement won't enforce the order, you can report violations to other local authorities including your local health department



Posted 11:18 pm, 06/15/2021

LMAO, good one Goddess!

If I'm honest, it's nice only having to put on eye makeup at work - I've gotten really lazy about full makeup, Haha

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