EDITION: Wilkes County
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New experiences, fun, and new close friendship

Description : I'm looking for female friends ONLY! I would love to find someone who thinks outside the box, someone who's adventurous and LOVES to have FUN! Someone who, like me, wants to learn new things or someone who can teach and show me those new things!

I hope to hear from you soon 😘

Send a Private Message

General Information

Gender: Woman
Age: 34
Zodiac/Horoscope Sign: Not Entered
Occupation: Not Entered
Physical Attributes: Not Entered

Physical Attributes

I have Red hair.
I have Blue eyes.
My height: Tall.
My weight: Lighter than Average.
I have Not Entered body.


Alcohol - Not Entered.
Smoking - Not Entered.
If I were in high school today, I would be .
The celebrity I most identify with is Not Entered.
Am I adventurous? Not Entered.
My race is Not Entered.
My religion is Not Entered.
My religion importance is: Not Entered.


My education is: Not Entered.
My annual income is Not Entered.
How important is my job? Not Entered.

Marital Details

My marital status is: Unsure.
My child/children is/are: Not Entered.

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